Breast augmentation surgery — in St. Louis and around the country — has been and remains the most popular cosmetic procedure for women. And for good reason: New curves bring renewed confidence, along with new wardrobe options, like that form-fitting red dress in the window of that cute boutique that you walk by every day.
Let’s start by pointing out something important: Getting a breast augmentation is a decision that you and only you can make for yourself. If you’re considering the procedure because someone in your life is pushing you toward it, stop and consider whether it’s something that will actually make you happier — not just the people around you.
When you make that decision doesn’t matter (in the sense that it’s possible at essentially any adult age), but experiences do vary by age.
Implants in Your 20s
Many women are unhappy with their size and/or shape of their breasts at a young age. However, surgeons generally advise against breast augmentation surgery before turning 18, so that the body can finish developing along its natural course first. It is also important to wait because younger patients may not have the maturity to make such a big decision. Once you have reached your late teens and early 20s, you are better equipped to make an informed choice about your body.
The major “pro” here is pretty straightforward: Typically, patients are at peak health in their 20s. That makes it easier to bounce back after surgery and simplifies the recovery experience a bit.
The “con”? This decision has a lifelong consequence, and you need to be as certain as possible that it’s a choice you’ll always be happy with. Though starting a family may seem far off, it is important to discuss future pregnancies with your surgeon, too. There are a few different approaches to performing a breast augmentation, so your surgeon will have to choose a surgical method that preserves your ability to breastfeed.
Having open communication with your surgeon is extremely important in general — it will give you a better chance of getting the breasts you’ve always wanted.
Implants in Your 30s
Your 30s can be a practical time to opt for breast augmentations. At this point in life, many women now have the financial means to afford the procedure without turning to CareCredit or a similar financing option. Women in their 30s are also typically healthy and are at a point in their lives when they know what they want. In fact, more women get their breasts done in their 30s more than any other age.
Implants in your 40s
Women who are in their 40s are most likely finished or nearly finished having children. This means the procedure need not take into consideration any need to preserve breastfeeding capabilities.
There’s an important difference for moms undergoing breast augmentation, though. For many, breasts can become saggy or deflated from breastfeeding and natural aging. That’s why many choose to combine augmentation with a breast lift, an overall procedure that restores both the volume and the position of the breasts.
Many women at this age may even decide to take it a bit further, combining a breast procedure with liposuction or a tummy tuck for a “mommy makeover.”

bra (pop art style)
Implants in Your 50s & Beyond
Surprisingly, women are beginning to get breast augmentations well into their 50s. As long as you are fit for surgery—that is, you are a non-smoker and don’t have any conditions that can impair healing—you may well be a good candidate for surgery.
Of course, plastic surgery is not for everyone, but I encourage anyone that wants to get a cosmetic procedure to go through with it. If you believe it will boost your confidence and make you feel good about yourself, then more power to you. It is important to remember that this is for you! Everyone else’s opinions or thoughts should be secondary.