Wintertime Tips for Beautiful Skin All Year
Whether you’re a lifelong resident or a recent transplant, you’ve likely realized that Utah winters are notoriously tough on skin. Extreme temperatures, inescapable dry air, and heavy, itchy fabrics from head-to-toe can definitely put the body’s largest organ through the wringer. But your skin doesn’t have to suffer through the season. In fact, you can even make winter work for you by taking advantage of the time spent indoors. Check out our pointers for wintertime skin care and ensure you’re ready for spring when it (finally) arrives.
Don’t Skip Sunscreen
When it’s the dead of winter and you haven’t seen the sun for what feels like centuries, it can be tempting to leave sunscreen out of your morning routine. But even if you don’t need to sport shades, the sun’s UVA and UVB rays can still reach through the clouds to affect your skin. In fact, the damage caused by these rays can actually be worse in the winter. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, sun damage still occurs in the winter in part because UV rays can bounce off snow, doubling their effects. Make daily sunscreen application a habit, rain (or snow, or sleet) or shine.
Peel (or Laser) Away Damage
Winter is the perfect time to undergo advanced skin resurfacing procedures, such as chemical peels or laser ablation. Although gentler versions of these treatments don’t typically require any sort of recovery period at home, it’s still advisable to stay out of the sun while your skin heals. This makes the winter months, when most of us spend a lot of time indoors, an opportune time to undergo these procedures. Peels, laser treatments, and even microdermabrasion are incredibly versatile and can be performed to address a variety of concerns. According to the website of Dr. Brian Reuben, a doctor specializing in plastic surgery near Draper, Utah, chemical peels are used to treat issues including lines and wrinkles, scars, and brown spots. Lasers and microdermabrasion treat many of the same concerns, and your doctor can help you choose which one is right for you.
Simulate Summertime
Winter means more than low temperatures — it also means low humidity, which can wreak havoc on the skin’s delicate moisture balance. Dry air outside and drier air inside (thanks to heaters running 24/7) can dry out skin, making it feel tight and itchy and giving it an aged appearance that highlights lines, wrinkles, and enlarged pores. To help combat thirsty winter skin, change up your habits for the season:
- Keep a bottle of lotion near the sinks in your home so you can apply some each time you wash your hands.
- Switch to soap-free cleansers for your hands, body, and face.
- Wear gloves when washing dishes.
- Try not to linger in a hot shower, and apply lotion as soon as you towel off to trap moisture on your skin.
- Use a humidifier in high-traffic areas of your home, and bring one to the office if it’s OK with your co-workers.
Do you have any other great tips for keeping your skin healthy and beautiful during winter?
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